Match Game #2, 2-20-00, Charlotte, N.C.
NM Daniel Liu (2000)  Patrick McCartney (1861)
1 e4 d5 2 ed Nf6 3 c4 c6 4 Nc3 cd 5 d4 e6 6 a3 b6 7 cd Nd5 8 Nf3 Bb7 9 Bb5 Bc6 10 Qa4 Qd7 11 Nd5 (11 Ne5 Nc3!=)  11...Qd5 12 Bc6 Qc6 13 Qb3 Bd6 14 0-0 0-0 15 Be3 Nd7 16 Rac Qb7 17 Rc2 Rac 18 Rfc Nf6 19 Ng5 Rc2 20 Qc2 h6 21 Nf3 Nd5 22 Qc6 Qc6 23 Rc6 Bb8 24 Bd2 Ne7 25 Rc1 Rc8 26 Rc8 Nc8 27 Bb4 Bd6 28 Bd6 Nd6 29 a4 Nc4? (29...f6=) 30 b3 Na5 31 Nd2 Nc6 32 Nf3 Na5 33 b4 Nc4 34 Ne5 Nb2 35 a5 ba 36 ba a6 37 Kf1 f6 38 Nc6 Kf8 (38...Nc4? loses instantly to 39 Ke2 Kf8 40 Kd3) 39 Ke2 Ke8 40 Kd2!! (The winning move. 40 f3, or any other Kingside Pawn move, allows Black to play 40...Kd7 41 Nb8 Kd6! 42 Na6 Nc4=) 40...Kd7 41 Nb8 Kc8 (Forced! 41...Kd6? 42 Kc3 wins even easier for White) 42 Na6 Nc4 43 Kd3 Na5 44 Nc5 e5 (This move permanently locks the Black King out, as ...Kd8 or ...Kc7 at any point drops the "g" pawn after Ne6+) 45 de fe 46 Ke4 Nc6 47 Kd5 Ne7 48 Ke5 Ng6 49 Ke4 Nf8 50 Kf5  1-0  (Notes by McCartney)