Wendy's XV, 6-21-00, Rd:5, Charlotte, N.C.
David Jaap (1827)  Jon Pietras (1787)
1 d4 Nf6 2 Nf3 e6 3 e3 d5 4 Bd3 Bb4 (Loses a tempo; White would have played c3 anyway) 5 c3 Bd6 6 Nbd 0-0 7 e4 de 8 Ne4 Ne4 9 Be4 f5 10 Bb3 Nd7 11 Qb3 Kh+/= 12 0-0 e5 13 Ng5 e4 14 Bc4 Nf6 15 Nf7 Rf7 16 Bf7 Ng4 (You would think that with the exchange up, White should comfortably win...not so) 17 g3 f4 18 Be6 fg? (18...Nh2! 19 Kh2 fg 20 Kg2 Qh4! and Black is winning outright! Maybe White is O.K. if he doesn't play 19 Kh2--but, the Black side will be playing for a win, and White for a Draw) 19 hg e3 20 Be3 Ne3 21 fe Bg3 22 Bc8 Rc8 23 Qf7 Bd6 24 Kf2 Qg5 25 Rg Qh4 26 Ke2 Rg 27 Rh Qe4! (White should not have allowed the strong Qe4!) 28 Rag Qc2 (White must avoid the perpetual) 29 Ke1 Qc1 30 Kf2 Qd2? (Barely making time control, Black gives the game back to White as the Queen was required to stay on the c2-h7 diagonal) 31 Kf3 Rf8? (At first glance this appears to solve all of Black's problems but in fact it hangs a forced mate in 4 moves with 32 Rh7 Kh7 33 Rg7! Kh6 34 Rh7 Kg5 35 Rh5# White inexcusably fails to play this.  Instead of sitting on my hands and forcing myself to find the best move, I moved like an idiot and cheated myself out of savoring this precious moment in time, now forever gone.){Hey bunky, don't be so tough on yourself; you'll have many more chances in the future. After all, I lost to McCartney; so, who's the idiot? LF} 32 Rh7 Kh7 33 Rh1 Bh2 34 Qf8 Kg6 35 Qe8 Kf6 36 Qd8  and Black adjourned. (Notes by Jaap)