0173 King's Indian Attack
PKB CVII, Rd 1, 3/24/01, Raleigh, NC
Patrick McCartney (1929) Greg Samsa (2214)
1 e4 Nf6 2 d3 d5 3 Nd2 g6 4 Ngf3 Bg7 5 g3 0-0 6 Bg2 c6 7 0-0 a5 8 Re1 Na6 9 Qe2 e6 10 e5 Nd7 11 Nf1 a4 12 a3 b5 13 h4 c5 14 N1h2 Bb7 15 Ng4 b4 16 Bg5 Qc7 17 Nf6 (Occupying Black's weak point on the 6th rank, and not allowing him to create any breathing room for his king.) 17...Kh8 18 Nd7 Qd7 19 Bf6 Kg8 20 Qd2 ba3 21 ba3 Nc7 22 Nh2! (Planning to answer 22 Ne8? with 23 Ng4 then 23 Nf6 loses to 24 ef6 winning the Bishop since 24 Bh8 25 Nh6 is mate.) 22...h5 23 g4 Ne8 24 Bg7 Ng7 25 gh5 Nh5 26 Qh6 f5 (Black is going to have to play this eventually anyway as White has more severe threats than just winning a pawn after 26 Rac8 27 Bf3 since a move like 27 Ng7 leads to 28
Ng4 with the unstoppable threat of Nf6.) 27 Qg6 Ng7 28 Rab1 Ba6 29 Rb6 Qf7 30 Qf7 Kf7 31 Nf3 Kg6 32 Ng5 Bc8 33 Bd5 Ra7 34 Be6 Kh5 35 Bc8 Rc8 36 Ne6 (While this is still winning, White's life can be made a lot easier with 36 Kg2 Rg8 37 Kg3 Re7 +-) 36...Kh4 37 Ng7 Rg7 38 Kf1 Kg4 39 Re3 f4 40 Re2 Kf3 41 Rh6 Rg1 42 Kg1 Ke2 43 Rg6 Kd2 44 Kf1! Kc2 45 Ke2 Kb3 46 Kf3 Ka3 47 Rb6 c4?? (Black's only chance at all comes with 47 Rd8. While Fritz gives this position as +/=, after long analysis, White still has the win here, but it's not easy) 48 Ke4 (48 Kf4 Rd3 =3D) 48...Rd4 49 Kf5 Rb4 (49 Rd3 50 e6 Rd8 51 e7 Ra8 52 Ke6 c4 53 Rd6 c3 54 Rd8 Ra6 55 Kf5 Ra5 56 Ke4 c2 57 Rc8 c1=Q 58
Rc1 Ra8 59 Rb1 Ka2 60 Rb7 a3 61 Kf4 +-) 50 Ra6 Rb8 (And now White has 2 viable moves, only 1 of which I believe wins for White:
A) 51 e6 Kb3 52 e7 a3 53 Rb6 Rb6 54 e8=3DQ a2 appears insufficient for White:
A1) 55 Qe1 Kb2 56 Qa5 Rb4 57 Qc5 Rb3 58 Qd4 Kb1 59 Qa4 Kb2 60 Qd4 = A2) 55 Qe5 Rb4 56 f3 {56 Qa1 f3 cuts off White's king and the Queen can't win on her own} Rd4 57 Qe6 Ka3 (Kb2?? 58 Qb6! Rb4 59 Qc5 a1=Q 60
Qb4 Kc2 61 Qe4 Kd2 62 d4 +-) 58 Qe1 Kb2
B) 51 Kf4!! Kb3 52 e6 a3 53 Ke5 a2 54 f4 Kb2 55 f5 gives White a won game) 48 dc4 Rc4 49 e6 Ka2 50 e7 Rc8 51 Kf4 a3 52 Ke5 Ka1 53 f4 a2 54 Ra6 Rc2 55 f5 Kb2 56 Ra2 Ka2 57 f6 Rf2 58 Ke6 1-0 (Notes by McCartney)