Wendy's XXIV, Rd:5, 5-2-01, Charlotte, NC
NM Garrick Wells (2072) Justin Daniel (2120)
1 c4 Nf6 2 Nc3 g6 3 e4 d6 4 d4 Bg7 5 Nf3 O-O 6 Be3 h6!? (6...e5 is normal, the idea of Black's improvisation is 7 Be2 e5! transposing to a line known to equalize for Black) 7 h3 (7 Qd2 Ng4 8 Bf4 e5! =/+) 7...e5 8 d5 c5 9 Qd2 Kh7 10 g4!? b5! (10...a6?! 11 a4 and White is in control) 11 cb5 a6 12 a3 ab5 13 Bb5 Ba6 14 Ba6 Na6 (Black has compensation for the pawn in the form of Queenside pressure, lack of shelter for White's king, and the weakened light squares) 15 O-O Qc8 16 Nh2 c4 17 f3 Nc5 18 Bc5?! (Now White's dark squares are weak) 18...Qc5+ 19 Qf2 Qa5 20 Na2 Nd7 21 Nb4 Bf6 22 Rac1 Qb5 23 Qe2 (Else 23...Bd8! with ...Bb6) 23...Nb6 24 Rfd1 Bg5 =/+ 25 Rc2 f5!? (Risky, but how else does Black increase his advantage?) 26 gf5 gf5 27 Kh1 (27 ef5 Qd7) 27...Kh8 28 Rg1? (28 Nc6! preventing Black's next) 28...Qd7! 29 Qf2 Na4? (29...fe4! 30 Qb6 ef3 with a very strong attack was much better, now Black loses the advantage) 30 Rc4 fe4 31 Re4 Qh3 32 Qg2 Qf5 33 Rg4 +/= Nc5 34 Qh3 e4?? (34...Qh7 defends) 35 f4! Bf4 36 Rg8+ Rg8 37 Rg8+ Rg8 38 Qf5 +- 1-0 (Notes by Justin Daniel)