Sunday Special I 05/26/02, Charlotte, NC
Harold Mouzon (2195) Gary Newsom (2014)
1. e4 Nc6 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 Bg4 4. d5 Ne5 5. Nxe5 Bxd1 6. Bb5+ c6 7.dxc6 Qa5+ (Forced - If 7...a6 8. c7+ axb5 9. cxd8=Q+ 10. Rxd8 11. Kxd1 dxe5+ The ending is very nice for White) 8. Nc3 a6 (8...0-0-0 keeps the queen but allows a vicious attack - 9. Nc4 Qb4 10. a3 Qc5 11. Be3 Qh5 12. Rxd1 bxc6 13. Bxc6 e6 14. Bxa7 - White has ideas such as Nb5, Nb6+, Bb6, & perhaps a rook lift Rd4-b4 or a4. Or if 8...bxc6 White gets too much for the Queen -9. Bxc6+ Kd8 10. Nxf7+ Kc7 11. Bxa8 - Even if Black succeeds in trapping the Knight on h8 White will have 2 Rooks & 2 Pawns for the Queen, & Black's King is very open.) 9. Nc4 (9. b4 may have been even better - after 9...Qxb5 10. Nxb5 axb5 11. cxb7 Rb8 12. Nc6 Rxb7 13. Kxd1 White is simply a pawn up - following up w/ c4 will yield 2 connected passed pawns) 9...Qxc3+! (Breaking up White's pawns) 10. bxc3 axb5 11. Nb6?! (Better was 11. cxb7 Rb8 12. Na5 Bxc2 13. f3 - The threat of Be3-a7 will force Black to rush his king over & give up the exchange. Even though he then has 2 pieces for the rook, White in the meantime will blast open the queenside, when his rooks invade the 7th & 8th ranks - Black's Kingside pieces are spectators.) 11...bxc6? (Black may be able to survive w/ 11...Ra6 12. c7 Bg4! - i.e. 13. Be3 Nf6 14. f3 Be6 - White will win back his piece but Black looks OK in the resulting position.) 12. Nxa8 Bxc2 13. f3 Kd7 (Inviting Whites reply) 14. a4 (rooks need open files!) 14...bxa4 15. Nb6+ Kc7 16. Nxa4 g6 17. Be3 Bg7 18. Kd2 Bb3 (18...Bxa4 holds out a little longer but in the end makes little difference - the rooks will double on the 7th rank.) 19. Rhb1 Bc4 (19...Be6 20 Nc5!) 20. Nb6 Bb5 21. Ra7+ Kb8 22. Nd7+ Kc8 23. c4 1-0