Asheboro Ron Simpson Memorial Has Record Turnout!
By NM Leland Fuerstman
Asheboro, NC 11-9-13: A grand total of 52 players from cities and towns all over North Carolina converged upon the luxurious Randolph Mall's grand ballroom in order to participate in Asheboro Ron Simpson Memorial. Just prior to the first round, Asheboro Chess Club Organizer Tom "Terrific" Hales spent a few minutes remembering our friend and champion FM Ron Simpson for whom this event was dedicated. A "ceremonial chessboard" was designated as "Bd:1" and set up in the center of the playing hall for Ron; because, that was where you could always find him!  May he rest in peace... When this author arrived, (See Game 1237)  the place was a "madhouse!" Team Fayetteville sent 4 warriors (photo sans Team Captain Larry Williams!) and thanks to the herculean effort of club Coach Scott Plaster from Lexington who brought 11 players from Atkins High School, a record 52 players participated. Yet,  the pairings were always  promptly posted and the event ran quite smoothly! In the final round of the Top Section, NM Craig Jones (2241) who brought a contingent of 6 from the Durham Academy, squared off against NM Robin Cunningham (2229) from Chapel Hill. In short order, a Draw allowed each player to score 2.5-.5 and pocket $127.50! Class prizes were taken by NM John Smithwick (2042) from Wilmington and Michael Watson (2076p) from Fayetteville each with 2-1 winning $20. In the Candidates Section, Richard Valenziano (1778) scored 3-0 and took home $170! Clear 2nd Place was Derek Chen (1631) with 2.5-.5 winning $85! Class prizes went to "Little" Joe Little (1592) and 11 year old Durham Academy upstart Christopher Chaves (1693)! each winning $20. In the Club Section, Andrew Rayle (1414) reported a perfect 3-0 and pocketed $170! while Stephen Kohl (1333) was clear 2nd Place with 2.5-.5 winning $85. Class winners were Ian Layzer (1258) and Joe McDonald (1114) each with 2-1 winning $20. In the Booster Section, Henry Peng (1006) turned in a perfect 3-0 and collected $170! while Caleb Jones (252) scored 2.5-.5 and took home $85. The Class prize went to William Moretz (541) who scored 2-1 and won $40. In order to observe all results, see "Crosstable." A total of $1,180 was shared by the winners for a whopping 90.77% payback!! This flawless event was Organized and Directed by the honorable Tom Hales, Senior TD. An enjoyable time was had by all! Next Asheboro event is January 18, 2014.