Dear Valued CCC Members:

Please allow me to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I also wish to thank you very much for supporting the Charlotte Chess Club. With your participation, we have made great strides over the past year. I am proud to report that our 74 current members again makes the CCC the most popular adult chess club in North and South Carolina! The CCC is comprised of players from many different cities, states and countries who display a spectrum of styles and skill levels! In fact, last week at the Skyland Family Restaurant, 10 players with ratings over 2000 participated in the Top Section! Furthermore, many members stayed much later to analyze and socialize. And, the following morning, bright and early, all of the results were posted on our website with images, games and anecdotes! (

This is what a great chess club is all about! But, it requires that all members take part in the fun in order to make it successful. That's why we have 4 sections. Here's hoping that the "regulars" continue to participate and "everyone else" visits us a bit more often in 2013. After all, the CCC is a great place to dine, socialize and play one rated game of chess each Wednesday evening at 7:45pm.
(Running late, call 704-965-8931)

Happy New Year!!

Leland & Website Assistant IM Freddy Katz, my 20 year old Siamese...