Posting Events... "should be the main focus of their existence" ... By NM Pat Sciacca, Esq.

I want to express
my great disappointment with the bureaucracy and contentiousness prevailing in North Carolina. First of all, let me say that I have never liked State Chess Associations or the USCF either because of the bureaucracy they entail, especially when involving large numbers of chess players. New Hampshire Chess Association thus is better than Massachusetts Chess Association (MACA), which is better than USCF. Anyways, I would have thought that no chess association would ever discourage players or an organizer from playing or organizing a chess tournament. That, after all, should be the main focus of their existence, that is, to promote playing organized, competitive chess. Thus, displaying details of tournaments being held in their state and providing a clearinghouse for organizers to prevent overmuch conflicting, simultaneous events is, again, what should be a state chess association main purpose/concern. There is no official endorsement of those events, except for the ones specifically run by the state association.

Gary Newsom's statement about thumbing one's nose at the progress of NC chess (the NCAA?) by playing in the 2013 Charlotte City Chess Championship is absurd and selfishly contentious. If one doesn't like a chess organizer, or the manner in which he conducts an event, one can choose to not participate in his tourney. But don't be telling other players that it would be improper or disloyal to NC chess or the NCCA (as if NCCA deserves loyalty).

So, thanks to NCCA and Gary Newsom, my success in winning the 2013 CC Chess Championship is a hollow one due to the poor showing at the top level. I know I'm not the best chess player in Charlotte. But I'm sure I would have a fair chance at winning such an event amongst the city's best. 

Very Truly Yours,

Patrick R. Sciacca, Esq.
NM Sciacca:
First of all, congratulations on winning the Title of 2013 Charlotte City Champion. Since your recent arrival, considering most of your results in the Charlotte area, you have already proven that you definitely deserve the Title! I was very disappointed with what the "old privatizer" did, but I really can't say that I was surprised. I have endured this kind of behavior for years!? Now, I believe that many local players have become disillusioned with his negative, self serving actions and his specious rhetoric. I sorta believe that he's worn out his welcome in Charlotte... save for the two simultaneous? major events which he will be taking most of the profits from soon, he has left all of the Directing responsibilities at the QCCA to his assistant, who seems to be doing a very good job catering chiefly to scholastic players. Hopefully, in the near future, the CCC and the QCCA can develop a friendlier relationship. Again, congratulations, champ!! LF