Digging Up the Bones of the Past?! - O.K. Proceed...
by NM Leland Fuerstman

The "Eddie Haskell" of the NCCA, NM Chris Mabe may be a proficient chess player, but his opinions are intentionally misleading and woefully wrong. In reference to the NCCA's vendetta against me, he states, "I don't see anything wrong with the ban. His (Fuerstman's) actions were destructive towards all NC chess players. No problem at all with it." My question is, of exactly what "actions" is he referring? I am a very civil and respectful gentleman in public! Voicing ones opinion is not an action? It is an inalienable right! And, since I am the President of the almost 40 year old, 73 member Charlotte Chess Club as well as it's webmaster, it is my obligation to report chess news, promptly! Implying that publishing informative messages on the CCC website was "destructive to ALL NC chess players" is blatantly false. Most of the current members have no clue as to what went on way back then. They only see what's going on now. And, what's going on now within the NCCA must surely be questioned. --- Particularly preventing a USCF member who has violated no rule of chess from participating in the NC Class for "personal reason?" (See Official Rules of Chess, p. 235 H)

So, two weeks later, while "Chess Bully" Gary Newsom is posting his article about the 2013 Class (I'm sure he'll include a complete accounting of how much money they lost...) and the Greensboro Open (sorry Dude, someone has already "scooped you" on both, as usual) he might want to include the articles about Jackie Ryan (whose gathering he failed to attend) and FM Ron Simpson, which he promised but never produced? ... "the grandest intention does not equal the slightest deed..." The fact is, Newsom has a bad habit of tooting his own horn, but generally falls short of his grand promises and more often ends up making excuses for himself and his confederates.
Look, Gary Newsom, famous for "privatizing the QCCA" and it's treasury, rarely does anything unless there is a profit involved. After all, that's the American way...

Furthermore, the topic about which I was voicing my opinion back
in 2009 was directly related to a Scholastic organizer who, for 9 months, refused to provide accurate accounting.
Our math indicated that this individual profited significantly from that event. "We" were simply attempting to find out where all the money went?! In order to protect their crony, "they" did everything they could do to prevent that information from becoming public. So, exactly how were my actions "destructive to all NC chess players??" If anything, the culprit no longer organizes scholastic chess tournaments... and that is a good thing for the NC chess community! Unfortunately, they have allowed another rogue promoter to replace him. This year, late entry fee into the NC Scholastic event was $69?? ... 500+ kids participated??! Do the math...
"So, do not be afraid of them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known." the words of Jesus from Matthew 10:26 --- Someday, I expect a particular individual to ask for my forgiveness... and, since I don't believe in holding grudges, I will probably comply. He knows what he did; and he will be damned forever until that day...
In fact, it has gotten so bad, that though the responsibility of promoting the annual scholastic event is clearly spelled out in the NCCA Articles of Incorporation, they have "farmed it out" for the past few years to a relatively unknown carpetbagger by the name of Bill Clausen who saw fit to increase the entry fee to $69? That kind of entry fee is generally reserved for events which return thousands of dollars in prize money. For an event which drew over 500 entries, that generated a gross amount of revenue which approached or exceed $40,000! Yet, according to information which was provided, the profit went to Clausen's own personal non-profit organization's bank account of which he is the only member? Now, why should that information be hidden from North Carolina chess players? Seems to me, the NCCA could have gotten off their butts, organized the event themselves and kept all of the profit for it's members... by the way, this was all authorized by "Chess Bully" Gary Newsom, who was the President during that period of time...

The real problem is, people who perpetrate intentionally self-serving acts  generally don't like to be exposed for having done so! In my opinion, a
handful of such individuals still thrive within the ranks of the NCCA? I gave up my "Life Membership" because I was tired of the lies, deception, secrecy and corruption. I stated that "as long as Newsom was in charge, I did not want to have anything to do with the NCCA." I was a previous President, VP, Sec/Treas and Editor and I know the difference between right and wrong... I was just the messenger reporting our findings and questioning the responsible parties. They collectively refused to answer... my crime was asking questions and reporting my opinion. They, in turn, intentionally diverted the attention away from the wrongdoer and collectively attacked me with slanderous and untrue statements. The harm they have caused to me and my reputation has created a schism in NC chess which still exists today. Newsom's irresponsible and utterly ridiculous remark that "only a small percentage of our membership" believe that NM Leland Fuerstman should have been allowed to participate in the 2013 Class is utterly unsubstantiated. When did he take a poll? In fact, the opposite is true! Consensus proves that a significant number of members including every member of the Charlotte Chess Club and every member of the Asheboro Chess Club agree that I should have been allowed to play! That's about 100 members. Where is his list? NM Leland Fuerstman will not be bullied! According to one popular organizer, the fear is, "who will be next on their list?"

Please bear in mind that I have dealt with Newsom's extremely unfriendly attitude for the past 5 years. He apparently forgot that he had agreed to a "resolution" back in 2010 which would have permanently put this episode behind us (See Msg526a). But, ever since he relented and allowed me to participate in the 2010 NC Championship, he has done and said everything one can imagine to intentionally undermine and defame NM Leland Fuerstman and events sponsored by the Charlotte Chess Club?
Newsom refers to the "spin" that has been put on this matter as "simply, completely, unequivocally wrong." He seems to be borrowing some big "legal" style words from an old statement which was floating around years ago regarding "renouncing my membership to the NCCA?" It equates my heinous crime to renouncing one's citizenship to the United States of America?! LOL I didn't recite an oath of allegiance when I became a member of the NCCA?! It's just a "stupid" private chess company!? "Stupid" is a description based upon the decisions made by the current officers? Nor, do I even care to become a member. Why waste the money? When this crew is replaced, I shall return.

Apparently the "Annuale" (sic) meeting wasn't important enough for their Secretary/Treasurer to show up to, but he did submit a sketchy comparison of yearly revenues which curiously enough did not include the current balances of the NCCA bank accounts? The other totally inexperienced officers have not done a very good job, either. I'm afraid they have virtually documented very little. They have edited the NCCA website exactly 3 times all year!? I thought they were paying a webmaster? (The CCC website gets edited every day!) The "Recent Happenings" column hasn't been edited for many months? (Really, how hard is that to do?!) Many have complained that most of the officers fail to respond to their E-mails?? I have personally encountered that same problem... they are negligent in advertising and constantly tardy in reporting the results of their own NCCA events much less anyone else's, And, the quality of that which they finally report leaves much to be desired. No images, amount of prize money, personal information, games, statements or anything from the winners... just their name (often misspelled - Expert Matthew Wofford spells his first name with 2 "t's") and their scores. And, what's with the irritating rotating advertisements which are in no way related to chess? How long must they be endured? Furthermore, if the NCCA has over $15,000 in their bank account, why is all of that necessary? I am hard pressed to understand why some truly "concerned member" hasn't demanded that they open the books and show all of the balances??!! Am I really the only person in this state who cares? Come on, guys. It's your organization... or, their private chess company.

After January 1, 2014, the CCC will have more members than the total number of current members of the North Carolina Chess Association (since their visionary Dictator decided that all memberships will expire on 12-31-13?) Now, that ill-advised decision is coming back to haunt him?! Though I have, on many occasions, attempted to re-align myself with the NCCA and the QCCA, both Abate, Newsom and now Giannatos have flatly refused to co-operate and still seem to continue to hold a grudge. What kind of chess statesmen are they? I ask you, exactly who is harming the NC chess community?

The paradox is that chess is thriving in North Carolina! But that is only as a result of an already existing network of organizers who actively promote chess tournaments somewhere almost every weekend! Hence, the success of last weekends Greensboro Open organized by Scott McInnis had absolutely nothing to do with anything that the NCCA provided, other than post the info. By the way, though the Dictator went to so much trouble and expense to promote his All Girls Open which attracted 53 players, only one of them participated in the NC Class? So much for the new "mecca of chess" in North Carolina... beyond that, all of his other blunders and bone headed ideas notwithstanding, I am of the belief that Abate has been let off the hook a bit too easy after losing $1,500 of the organization's money on a poorly  advertised, poorly designed and ill advised tournament.. He would do best to follow the pattern of Scott McInnis who promptly asked the advice and help of many people who had more knowledge and experience than he. And, since no one else is paying any attention to things which should be celebrated, I have dubbed Greensboro's Scott McInnis as the NC Chess Organizer of the Month!

Now, whoever wishes to play chess with me or 10 other Experts and Masters can meet us at the Charlotte Chess Club on Wednesday evening to dine, socialize and play one rated game of chess at 7:45pm sharp! Long live the CCC! And, Happy Holidays to All chess players and their Families!! I am praying for peace in 2014...

I remain,
NM Leland Fuerstman
President, CCC