"Freddy Katz," 108, Has Passed Away
In Memoriam:
Charlotte, NC 6-3-14: It is with great sadness that I report the passing of a very important member of my family, Freddy Katz, almost 22 human years old; or 108. (5 years per year in cat years). Though "Fraidy" was his legal name, we changed it so as not to give him an inferiority complex. Freddy wasn't a "rescue," he was a "kidnap!" Born in Charlotte in the winter of 1992, he was a rare pure bread "non-barred Red Point Siamese who could speak!" His original owner, a rather stout lady who lived in the same condos, thought it best to have him neutered and his front claws removed??? Apparently, Freddy was somewhat displeased with that and escaped, only to become a very malnourished and impossible to catch neighborhood stray. On occasion, I would see him in the back woods of the property being chased by a rude pair of Weimaraners?! But, somehow, he always escaped their clutches. Freddy was a survivor... On many occasions, I would attempt to pet him and make friends, but he seemed to be afraid of people, and rightfully so... and then, one day, I got a phone call from an old girlfriend asking me what she should do with 2 pounds of "iffy" shrimp!! So, I made a shrimp line from the warm metal utility box on which Freddy often perched himself all of the way to my back door. There must have been 100 of them in a row! When I checked later that afternoon, almost all of them were gone and Freddy had a huge belly!... a few days later, while playing speed chess on the back patio with Paul Lucas, I felt something brushing the back of my legs. I looked down and it was Freddy saying hello!! Even then, he wouldn't let me pet him.-- Over the next few weeks, I would see him, and leave food for him, but he remained illusive. Finally, somehow, my kids let him into the condo. He ran up and down those carpeted stairs at 100 mph! I yelled, "Get that cat out of here... he belongs to someone else!?" -- Soon thereafter, I closed on our new home on Carmel Forest Dr! Over the next few days, my 3 sons, Mischa, Joe and Sammy and I moved our belongings to the new home. And then, Joe said, "Where's the cat? Go get the cat!" In fact, I needed to make one final trip to get the brooms and buckets. When I arrived, the place was dark and empty. I opened the back curtain, and lo and behold, there stood Freddy! When I opened the door, he literally jumped into my arms!! He now had a new home, and I had a wonderful new friend! -- Freddy quickly became the King of the castle. Here's Freddy providing security for the official CCC chess bag. As the months and years went by, he developed into THE most personable cat I have ever seen. Freddy was an indoor/outdoor cat with a very independent attitude. He would get lost for days, but somehow always found his way back home. He would always greet every visitor who came into the house by saying a few words to them in "Cat English!" So, you say that "animals don't talk back!" Well, this one did... During chess games or poker games, he would jump up onto the table and carefully tip-toe around making sure to avoid chess pieces or stacks of poker chips, in order to wish everyone good luck! It was common to hear someone yell, "move Freddy, I can't see the cards!?" -- In his later years, Freddy developed into somewhat of a wise sage. When I became embroiled in controversy for one reason or another, he was always there
to offer advice and console me with the loudest "purr" you've ever heard! -- In his later years, he slept with me every night... and, he woke me up every morning?! Sure, I have 3 children and 4 grandchildren and I love them very much, but Freddy was my partner... Over the past couple of months, it became difficult for him to chew and swallow. I took him to the vet who dispensed his medication but cautioned me that "there is no magic pill for old age." After all, he had already lived longer than most every other cat in history! It was surely a godsend that Freddy found his way into the life of a bum like me. He relied on me and gave me love. He brought me so much joy! I was honored to take care of him to the end. -- Freddy passed away in my bed this morning at 6:30am. He is laid to rest in the back yard of our home in Mint Hill. I am very sad.