
NM Fuerstman

First, let me say that the Charlotte Chess Club is the highlight of my week! I am proud of my recent success against higher rated players and want to thank you for providing the pairings. Even though, last weekend at the ECOIII I got my head handed to me by two of the CCC's strongest players! But, it was great that I got a chance to play them!! I know that I still have a lot to learn.

Over a year ago, I posted Message #507 on the CCC Message Board entitled "NCCA Website an Embarrassment." I figured that the person in charge would address some of those issues and correct them. However, when I just looked at their website, other than a new column making reference to a "pig pen," the same "old" information and boring advertisements are still posted?? But, in deference to Jeff "Pig" Jones, at least his info is current and even includes mention of the CCC! In my opinion, if the NCCA is paying a webmaster or editor, they are wasting their money...

Since I joined, the Charlotte Chess Club has climbed to a total of 80 members! I counted the number of current NCCA "Regular" members to be 64?  They also have 27 Life Members for a grand total of 91.
But, still included on their list are about 100 other players who expired 7 months ago? Here, I must give you credit for an "I told you so" when you stated that it was a "bad idea to require all memberships to be paid on January 1 of each year?" Not only did that backfire on Abate, but I heard they now have the lowest number of members since NM Neal Harris took over in 2001. Your description of the NCCA being a "private company controlled by an elite group of self serving individuals" can hardly be denied since they steadfastly refuse to publish the balance of the bank account? That can't be normal for a "non-profit" organization. Why does everything have to be so secret? What are they trying to hide?

And, finally, it seems like this hodgepodge of weekend tournaments is out of control... no one is there to prevent conflicts of dates and make sure that organizers provide what they promise. Last Saturday, a Charlotte promoter advertised a 4 section event which attracted 42 players, but for some reason  only ended up having 3 sections? Seems like the two 1700 players in the Top Section should have played in the U1800. Furthermore, if they had changed the Lower Section to U1200, Trela may have scored 3-0! I'm just sayin'... I'll see everybody at the Charlotte Chess Club this Wednesday. McAlister's is a great place for our club! Like you say, "Long live the CCC!"

Note: At my request, this message has been edited for grammar, syntax, punctuation and color by NM LF

Jason "1st Amendment" Mytrysak

Don't expect the Dictator to do anything positive. You will just have to wait until this regime is replaced. I believe the organizer of the event you spoke of is an officer of the NCCA?! Maybe he can explain it to you... And maybe he can explain how he can claim that their "40th Anniversary" is coming up? He seems to be a bit confused. It's the CCC whose 40th anniversary is due! NM LF