
$5 First Time Participation Fee!

Dear Membership Committee Chairman:

I now realize that I should have suggested this prior to your meeting at the US Open, so, I'm sorry if my timing is a bit skewed. -- However, I request that you please consider the following suggestion.

I have been a member of the USCF for 44 years. Back in 1971, as Vice President and Director for the Decatur Chess Club in Atlanta, I designed a 5 round Swiss system tournament whereby everyone played one round per week on a Wednesday evening for 5 consecutive weeks! The first round, we had 12 players, the second round we had 20 and by the 5th and final week we had over 60 players participating! When I finally moved back to Charlotte, North Carolina in the mid 70's, I began using that same system for our club events. Since then, clubs all over the United States have fallen in line with this idea and use this system. Now, I have another good idea!

Naturally, over the past 44 years, I have seen many USCF administrations come and go. Some good, and some not so good... (I remember Ed Edmonson and Martin Morrison!) Regardless, the overall chess numbers have stagnated over the past 20 years. Part of the problem is that no one is making much of an attempt to reach prospective tournament players outside the existing chess bubble?! All chess news is relegated to local and state websites which are directed to already existing chess players. My idea to increase the numbers is simple. Allow brand new players who have never been members of the USCF to pay a one or 2 day fee of $5 in order to participate in one USCF rated tournament! The player will be given an Identification Number and the games he plays will be rated accordingly. --- I can refer to countless players in the past who have paid large entry fees, state and local organization dues and a full membership fee to the USCF only to do poorly in the event and never return?? When they share the disappointment of their results coupled with the extraordinary expense with their friends, it only discourages other potential tournament players from joining. My idea will help prevent this from occurring and, in fact, encourage new players to participate!

On September 27, 2014, the Charlotte Chess Club A6002860 will promote the 2014 Charlotte City Chess Championship. The event will include a special UNRATED Section for players who have NEVER been USCF members. Their Entry Fee will only be $10! It is a 4 round event. Winners will receive full membership to the USCF! If my idea were invoked, the following day after the event, the other unrated players would be treated as expired players! If they wish to continue to participate in tournament competition, they can then pay the normal fees. Let's face it. The first time out, a new player will be far more likely to participate if the total fee is only $10 as opposed to $100+. Furthermore, if a player does ultimately join, the USCF has already collected $5 extra!

If you want to increase the membership numbers, you guys are going to have to start thinking out of the box. My "first tournament membership fee of $5" idea will still generate revenue for the USCF and give your marketing experts the opportunity to communicate with and sell books and equipment to an entirely new category of potential members; the general public! Please consider this idea and make it become reality. Who could possibly object. It's simply a new angle that is sure to bring far more players into organized chess competition. And, even if it dosen't, it will still generate some much needed revenue.

NM Leland Fuerstman