NCCA Membership Lowest in Decades?
And, No One Seems to Care...
by NM Leland Fuerstman

Charlotte, NC 4-29-15: There are a significant number of concerned chess players in North Carolina who are extremely disappointed with the state of affairs of the North Carolina Chess Association. But, first, I suggest that you read recent Message #582 so you may better understand the current chaos.

The NCCA website looks like the effort of a Junior High School student? It is never up to date with anything. There are virtually no reports nor documented formal communications between the officers nor the members.
Save for a few informal comments made on their "Forum," there has only been one sketchy report by VP Jones but not a single word published by the other officers? The front page of their website still has those insidious flashing ads, the "Bids" dates have long expired (will there be an Adult Invitational this year, or not?) and the brief black and white report by the VP lacks images, games, personal information nor any material of literary value. The upcoming events page is completely out of control often advertising conflicting events on the same day which are in close proximity? And, with impunity, some bigger organizers simply refuse to co-operate as they continue to bully the little guys? (If I were President, and I was in 1985, the tradeoff for posting tournament info would force the Organizer to require NCCA membership by all participants and collect and remit fees to the NCCA. If they fail to comply, they lose their right to advertise their events). But, this administration has no teeth.

The current administration has had ample time to repair
the blunders inherited from past Dictator Rudolph Abate. But, so far, the only thing the NCCA President Kevin Hyde has done (other than hide...) is abolish the $20 fee to post tournament information on their list. However, they do allow events to be posted by organizers who have never even been members of the NCCA? Because no one is paying any attention to things like that, nor anything else, for that matter. (In that case, maybe they will now be kind enough to post tournaments organized by the Charlotte Chess Club!) The impression that most people have is that the officers simply don't care?? Hyde's progressive idea of having open phone forums was a complete failure, attracting only a couple of callers, and accomplishing absolutely nothing.

Approximately one month ago, a CCC Administrative assistant verified that the North Carolina Chess Association has a total of 43 current regular members listed on the "Membership" page of their website (2 are scholastics who can not vote) and 27 Life Members. One would have assumed that such a revelation would have prompted at least one embarrassed officer to address the issue and attempt to correct it. However, that doesn't seem to be the case. As usual, nothing was done... In fact, among those who are still NOT listed as members are: NCCA President Kevin Hyde, Past President Gary Newsom, Past Vice President Dr. Walter High, past VP NM Peter Giannatos and newly appointed members of their Council of Regional Representatives of the NCCA Scott McInnis (who has never been a member), Tracy Roop and Nikolai Astrov? How could any responsible person appoint people to such lofty positions without even verifying their memberships??

The fact is, of the 27 Life Members still listed, almost all of them are either deceased, relocated to another state or have been completely inactive from tournament chess for many years. (Seems like they would attempt to verify each member, and promptly delete those who do not respond, in effect, reducing the total membership allowing fewer members to make a quorum at their "meeting!") In reality, only 5 of those Life Members are currently active: Bill Clausen (Uh... Did he actually pay the $200, or did he, through some stroke of luck, win the "drawing" for a life membership that Abate gave away?), Asheboro Organizer Tom Hales, LM Neal Harris, CCC Member Dave Peter and Wilder Wadford. (If you want to call him active... in the past 13 years, he has played exactly 6 games in 3 tournaments). So, truthfully, the NCCA can only really claim a total of 46 active adult members? (The Charlotte Chess Club has 72!) That is a pitiful number considering the fact that there are 1,858 members of the United States Chess Federation who live in North Carolina??

"How did this happen" you ask? You might want to address that question to past Dictator Rudolph Abate whom in spite of knowing little about chess and chess administration, was appointed by WW over 2 years ago. Without the input or objections or knowledge of his own board members nor any communication of his intentions to the members, he went about his business to change policies which had been in place for over 70 years. In his wisdom, he decided that all memberships should be paid on January 1 of each year??? That new policy required that an organizer calculate the amount owed and hopefully collect it when he received entry fees. Unfortunately, probably in protest, few, if any, currently active organizers require NCCA membership for their events. Even events where the officers, themselves are involved? Furthermore, recalling the statement by current NCCA Sec/Treas. Tom Kabasakalian,
"it's not my job to 'glad hand' everybody to sell NCCA memberships..," and considering the lack of value of their product, why would anyone want to send payment in on his own; particularly since there is no mailing address listed for anyone to send it to?? How utterly incompetent... As a result, their membership has dwindled by more than 75% over the past 2 years??

The real crime is not the cronyism, conflicts of interest and special favors within their own little cabal, it is the fact that they have approximately $20,000 stagnantly sitting in their treasury collecting dust? (or, at least, that is what was reported by the Sec/Treas. at their meeting on 9-19-14 [$19,705.82]) And, absolutely nothing of any merit is being done with those funds? I could think of a dozen ways that money could be used for the good of the entire NC chess community! But, they don't seem to be capable of thinking of anything... when, in fact, there are so many policies that need to be corrected and rules which need to be revised and enforced.

Now, for those of you who accuse me of complaining but never attempting to help, you are utterly mistaken. I have offered advice and friendly recommendations to the past few presidents who have been "appointed," and in each case, have basically been snubbed and ignored!? If they want my advice, I will be more than happy to share the knowledge of 45 years of chess experience with them. But, apparently, someone (who still holds a grudge) has told them not to... The result is their current incompetent state of affairs. --- The recent success our state has celebrated in our increase in "larger" successful events has come
as a result of the efforts of individual organizers and Directors and patrons; and absolutely nothing provided by the NCCA. In fact, for the upcoming Junior Invitational, the organizer thanks the South Carolina Chess Association, but not the NCCA?

My advice to the current NCCA officers is, for the good of the entire North Carolina chess community, either do your jobs properly, or step aside and allow someone who cares, to replace you.

I remain,
NM Leland Fuerstman
Charlotte Chess Club