Congratulations to 15 year old N.C. State Champion NM Daniel Cremisi (2251) Who Won on Tie-break Over NM's Balleisen and Wong
What is the mathematical conversion for the word "forthcoming" into days?!
By NM Leland Fuerstman

A few days ago,
I received the following anonymous E-mail: 
"I must be missing where you get 'For 70+ years, the NCCA recognized a soul State Champion, like every other state chess organization in the country...' Would you please explain how you came to this conclusion? From what I see with simple searches to USCF or state web sites is that it is quite common for multiple players to share the state champion title." Anonymous

Sir, or Madam, you are absolutely correct. (Though, every state list does include a vast majority of individual champions). Having joined the USCF and NCCA in 1970, I am quite well aware that some chess organizations, including the NCCA, have honored multiple "state champions" on various occasions for one reason or another. But, that certainly doesn't make it right. Sometimes, outdated rules and standards need to be changed in order to accommodate a more evolved and modern society. The very idea of having a championship tournament is to do just that; determine an individual "Champion!" or, at least, that's what the authors of the (1) Modified Median, (2) Solkoff, (3) Cumulative and (4) Cumlative of Opposition tie-break systems intended. Otherwise, you might as well tear pages 207-213 out of the Official Rules of Chess. The only exception is when tied players have perfect scores!

More often than not, the reason that directors and organizers end up scratching their heads after the final round reflects a lack of preparation and failure to even consider the ramifications of tied players when originally designing their event?! Finally, when they are confronted with the situation at the last minute, their ignorance of the proper application of the tie-break systems leads to the decision to simply abandon it and declare multiple champions?

If it is erroneously specified in the NCCA "Articles" to ignore the standard tie-break systems, then, among dozens of other dubious rules, it needs to be changed. But, since members can't vote, good luck on changing anything... (the most dubious rule of all!?) Furthermore, since when have the officers of the NCCA been following the letter of the law of their "Articles of Incorporation?" Just picking and choosing a rule which substantiates one argument hardly exonerates them from neglecting all of the others?! Including the 2015 N.C. Invitational Championship which has been abandoned this year with absolutely no official explanation as to why?? - when so much time, effort and energy and money is spent on the "Girls Championship" the responsibility of which isn't even mentioned in the "Articles?" I accuse them of adopting a passive, effeminate, communal mentality designed to avoid embarrassing losers for their failure and ultimately giving everyone a trophy!?? In essence, ignoring expertise, and rewarding mediocrity.

There are many reasons why the NCCA continues to operate in a state of confusion and neglect. They claim to be a "non-profit" organization with a charter which includes the responsibility to reach out to the entire North Carolina chess community?! Then, where are any programs designed to recruit unrated players from all corners of the state? Pleeeease... Though they claimed to have over $19,000 in their treasury last year, they have provided no evidence that even one cent has ever been spent on new chess programs. (nor, old ones for that matter... though many members would like to see how they are actually spending it. Yeah, good luck on observing that) But, more disconcerting is the idea that an account was set up on GoFundMe.com in an attempt to collect contributions for the NCCA?? (Seems like 19 grand would cover more than a few memberships and entry fees!?) Regardless, if they would simply collect dues, they could make plenty of money!? Three months ago, the number of regular paid members had dropped to 42 (the CCC has 69) compared to the number when Abate took over with 220! Since then, the officers, particularly Sec/Treas. Tom Kabasakalian, have basically ignored the opportunity of collecting dues during major tournament registrations (like dedicated officers Gerben Hoekstra and Dr. Walter High did so religiously). The result is what you have now... A pathetically low membership level, a president who never does or says anything and rarely shows his face, no formal annual report posted of the minutes of the last meeting, no treasurers report, neglect to conduct the Invitational coupled with the sad state of affairs of their website. It appears to some that the organization has morphed into a private chess company which only serves the whims of their own little inner circle of friends. And, that is very disappointing...

Back to the anonymous E-mail. Maybe someone will recognize this address: tachessclub@gmail.com. The question was logical and submitted without malice. If that address is associated with an officer of the NCCA, I am open to friendly discourse. In that case, maybe next time he will be courteous and sign his name.

As for other NCCA officers spending a lot of time verifying which states allow multiple champions, may I suggest that the so called "Editor" set that aside and use his valuable time to finish his comprehensive article about the North Carolina State Championship which was "forthcoming" almost 3 weeks ago... (at least they finally removed the ad today?! LOL) --
Either lead, follow, or get out of the way. Lee Iacocca

I remain,

NM Leland Fuerstman
Charlotte Chess Club