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2-23  The latest news is that the Icelandic Authorities had just decided to grant Fischer a special foreigners’ passport which would allow him to travel to western Europe.  Read the details in this update from the Icelandic RJF Committee.

If this measure to help Bobby Fischer out does not work the Althingi will proceed with citizenship. Citizenship by parliamentary degree is granted twice a year, next time in April. Bobby´s Icelandic passport has now already been processed and will be sent by a diplomatic mail to the Icelandic Embassy in Tokyo and handed over by the Ambassador in due course.

Saemi Palsson, Bobby´s old friend and bodyguard, with another member from our group as a second will be traveling to Japan in a couple of days with the intention to escort Bobby Fischer to Iceland, hopefully next week.  At right is Fischer's official Icelandic passport photo.