0100 - Fellow South and North Carolina Chessplayers: The "Carolinas Open" could be the top tournament in our region with the proper promotion, location, planning and support. We are moving up the "learning curve" fast insofar as promotion is concerned. The success of the SC Open could be a good indicator of our abilities in that regard since we are counting on its location to pull from the excellent N.C. chess market. Location is critical. The Charlotte area is a prime location, specifically enhanced by the efforts that we receive from our friend, NM Leland Fuerstman. I'm not discounting the other parts of the state of S.C., but "you go where the market is" if you want to succeed. The issue of planning is my forte, so I would want to be heavily involved in this area, especially coordinating with the TD/organizer in the location we chose. Support is where the "rubber meets the road". We need to not only encourage our local players from our individual areas to plan for this tournament, but even provide "ways and means" for them to attend. In my discussions with Leland, there is the possibility of having a tournament within a tournament, whereas NC players and SC players will be playing not only individually, but as a team, to determine their state "bragging rights". We did this informally at the Snowstorm Special and it was a fun sideline. Everyone's ideas on this endeavor should be interesting, for some have never played in a Carolinas Open, but us "old fogies" have and they were good tournaments. On the other of James suggestions, we do need a discussion forum at our state website. I think it would be a great means for our members to correspond with each other on chess subjects as well as a means for the state officers to hear their issues. I believe that the NC website has a discussion forum and it might provide some ideas.
I await your thoughts, David Causey Sec/Treas SCCA