0179 - Hi Leland,
I was dismayed to see such a low turnout at Bertucci's on July 15th.  As a chess player, I have a vested
interest in your tournament succeeding.  I have supported your tournaments on numerous occasions,
despite my insanely busy schedule.
I found your comments on the Charlotte website to be both mean spirited and inaccurate.  You should not
be so quick to criticize someone who has supported your tournaments. 
I must point out that not even one of your eighty-one members of the Charlotte Chess Club attended The
Asheboro Open XIV on July 15th, 2006.  For this reason, it is inaccurate to attribute the low numbers in
Charlotte to our tournament in Asheboro.
As I told you previously, I make every effort to not conflict with a Charlotte date.  However, on rare occasions such a conflict may be unavoidable.  This was such a case, due to the fact that we had no other date available for a tournament in July. 
While I will continue to avoid conflicting dates, I don't consider it much of a conflict at all.  You have a huge reservoir of players in Charlotte, and it would be strange indeed for them to make a 90 minute journey each way rather than attend a local tournament.  You even offer a discount to club members--which we do not. 
I only wish Asheboro could muster such numbers in our chess club! 
I must also speak in defense of Hendersonville.  If my understanding of the NC Clearinghouse is accurate, the unwritten rule is for tournaments within 100 miles.  According to Mapquest, Hendersonville is 116 miles from Charlotte.  So it is questionable whether this tournament influenced your turnout. I understand your frustration with the diminishing numbers in Charlotte.  Believe it or not, I wish Charlotte nothing but success. 
I think your location at Bertucci's is part of the problem.  It is self-limiting in size, slightly noisy, and the lighting is not great. I love the food, but some players may find it a bit pricey.  I realize that finding a better location would certainly not be easy--
that is indeed the organizer's most difficult task these days.
The other major problem (as I see it) is your tardiness, which often leads to late starts.  I know that I am not the only person who has brought this to your attention.  While I have never publicly complained at your tournament, quietly I have been quite annoyed.  I am sure many others have "suffered in silence" rather than cause a scene. Often such people simply don't return.
I am saying these things to you privately, as a fellow tournament director and hopefully someone you would consider a friend.
I think you owe me an apology for the remarks made on your website.

Tom Hales
Mr. Hales: 
My statement "thanks to the good folks in Asheboro and Hendersonville who have, apparently, ignored the guidelines of the "toothless" NC clearinghouse?!" is neither mean spirited nor inaccurate. The purpose of a "clearinghouse" is to prevent events within close proximity from taking place on the same day.  In a recent conversation, you indicated to me that the reason you changed your date was because the booking agent of your facility decided to "give your date to another group"; and that July 15 was the only other available date.?! Instead of postponing your event or finding another venue, you decided to proceed with your event on the same day as Bertucci's (which, I think, you have done once before). In essence, you are allowing this junior executive booking agent to dictate when chess tournaments will take place in North Carolina?! thusly violating the rules of the "clearinghouse!?" And, it is possible, that some of the players who competed in your tournament may have participated in Bertucci's otherwise!?
Chess is in a lull in the Charlotte area...there seem to be too many tournaments and too few players participating. It is no secret that I have become a bit burned out by this whole thing. There is too little profit compared to the aggravation and the number of hours spent...and usually, for very little profit or recognition. (I make over $500 on a Saturday afternoon directing a Long Drivers of America ReMax Long Drive event!!)

Tom, everyone is aware of the great work you do and the amount of time you spend for chess in North Carolina. And, you are to be admired for your personal determination to study, compete and become a stronger chess player. If I have offended you or anyone in your organization, then I apologize.

Next year, (if I continue at all), Bertucci's will take place every two months.

Keep up the good work.

NM Leland Fuerstman

Ps. The last 4 Bertucci's have started at 10:00am sharp!