2-5-11 QCCA Taken Over by Gang of 2?! By Bill Wright To: Ex-Executive Team members Newsom and Giannatos Earlier this week when I went to the QCCA website to check on the status the 2010 Greater Charlotte Championship play-offs (which have yet to be scheduled), I found the following curious posting: January 18: "On Tuesday night, a proposal was made by Gary Newsom and Peter Giannatos that the club revert to being a private entity, operated by Peter and Gary. The proposal was well received by those in attendance, who seemed to be strongly in favor, but in the interest of giving all an opportunity to weigh in on the decision, and to honor what is still at this point our constitution, it was decided that the proposal be publicized to all membership for a period of two weeks. During this time please feel free to ask any questions or express any concerns. On Tuesday, February 1 immediately before the start of the weekly round this matter will come to vote by all members in attendance." As a member in good standing of the
Queen City Chess Association; why wasn't I personally notified by
letter or e-mail? I
might have learned about this
"internal take-over" had I visited the
website sooner, but I do so sparingly, since the site is so poorly
maintained and is rarely updated. In their declaration of intention to "make a motion," one critical explanation was omitted. Why are Gary Newsom and Peter Giannatos seizing the QCCA and making it their own personal property? I can think of several reasons, none of them charitable. It is my view, that this is a selfish
and will only result in our members losing their rights to vote and run
for office. We will no longer have
a say so in how our organization is conducted nor be able to monitor
how the money
is distributed. This all smacks of selfish profiteering! Disappointed, Bill Wright USCF
Life Member & |