The following is my description of a good webmaster:

(1) he would have been prepared to take notes and write a synopsis of the North Carolina Championship. He would have included personal information about each winner, his image, his home town, his score, how much money he won and
one of his games for publication. Then, publish a comprehensive balance sheet of the expenditures of the event. Not one word has been written to describe the NC Open. That should have already been posted on the website... And, who cares about a bunch of Grandmasters whose names we can't even pronounce. What about our own North Carolina players?
(2) provided the minutes of the annual meeting for all members to read and a synopsis of what transpired. No mention was made of $1,000 of PA equipment which was purchased by the NCCA from the SCCA? And, it is my understanding that a motion was made to raise the dues to $10!? Which was passed by the members. What's all this other talk about $8 and .50 discounts after the motion has already been passed? Does the President have the right to just change things willy nilly without any discussion?

(3) immediately post the names, images, contact information of the new NCCA officers. It took 8 days to accomplish that. And, it's still not complete.

(4) constantly remove old ads for tournaments which have already transpired. They tend to stay there for too long.

(5) communicate with directors and organizers from around the state and make sure their contact information is up to date and their club still actually meets. Then tell them about the clearinghouse and encourage them to have more events

(6) update the list of State Champions. 2012 winner is missing.

(7) personally solicit for articles from the members. Don't wait for them to send you something. You must call them and ride them til they do.

(8) get rid of old lists of players who expired. The Treasurer should communicate with all players whose expiration dates are one month out.What's this nonsense about requiring everyone to pay in January? Who voted on that?

(9) post the E-mail address of every member of the NCCA (hide the physical addresses; in this day and age I'm really surprised that personal information is still listed?)

(10) write his own opinion in a column, or has he been advised not to?