8-17-13 (Note: This message was published approximately one year ago)
Newsom Up to His Dirty Tricks, Again?

"Newsom ...has displayed the worst kind of cowardly, passive aggressive, anal retentive behavior which accomplishes absolutely nothing positive..."
NM Leland Fuerstman

"Supporting this event is basically thumbing your nose at the progress made in North Carolina Chess over the past 5 years."
Gary Newsom. --- Oh, you mean the progress that you have personally made by lining your pockets with the profits of the many "59% payback" tournaments you have promoted, (CCC pays 75%) or organizing a chess club, accumulating almost $5,000 in your QCCA club treasury from members you shanghaied from the CCC and others who had participated in your events, making grand overtures about how the money would be spent and then promptly "privatizing" your club and placing the balance of that treasury into your own personal bank account???
Though I personally don't believe that it happened, I wish to address the rumor that while as NCCA President, Newsom may have written unauthorized checks?! The best way to dispel a rumor, is to provide real evidence of proof, otherwise. Therefore, would he be so kind as to provide the "check books" which were used during his tenure as President and copies of internal memo's relating to the paying out of money for expenses, so all members may verify what transpired. If those check books prove that everything was done in the proper manner, I will be the very first one to apologize... (when may we see those?)
Furthermore, according to reliable sources, a bidding process was initiated whereby Newsom's personal chess company, Carolina Chess Initiative won the bid! But, because no formal report was made public, no one really knows whether there were any other bidders, nor the terms of the agreement, nor how long the agreement is to stay in effect?! The members have a right to know what's going on... and, that's one of the reasons why I am no longer a member of the NCCA! I simply protest all of the secrecy.

Or, for the sake of generating even more personal PROFIT, conducting 2 major tournaments on the same weekend, which, in effect, glorify a bunch of no-name, unfriendly, non-English speaking grandmasters in one room while overshadowing the accomplishments of North Carolina players in the other? (Why not add a bicyclist on a high wire!?? I mean, how can you possibly give equal consideration to both...?) And, according to the policy which has been practiced for more than 10 years, never showing any accounting in order to determine who got paid, how much and for what?? Furthermore, the progress you claim that this organization has made allowed a completely inexperienced unknown tyro with a bad disposition to be voted in as President by 8 actual paid members on a Sunday morning at 8:30am... and you actually refer to what this President has accomplished (or neglected) as PROGRESS? (Pleeeease!) Apparently, you haven't looked at the NCCA website lately? It's an embarrassment to every chess player in North Carolina. I call it "regression." And, you, Gary Newsom, are chiefly responsible for that.
In Newsom's negative postings to prevent players from participating in a very well designed event this weekend, he has unfairly embarrassed and alienated at least 50 chess players from the Charlotte and surrounding areas and branded them as traitors?! A number of offended players have already shared their discontent with his extremely unfriendly, misleading, inaccurate and damaging messages. No real ambassador of chess would stoop as low as to try to ruin the turnout of a chess tournament just days before it occurs?? Some believe his
boorish behavior to be motivated by jealousy, selfishness, childishness, and greed... he constantly pats himself on the back for accomplishment which he had little to do with. He proudly brags that the QCCA club draws 40 players per week but forgets to mention that 32 of them are scholastic players? Hence, he, or his successor seem to be doing quite well accommodating them. In fairness, they should divert the remaining few adults to the Charlotte Chess Club where they may intermingle with other adults and enjoy the evening in a more pleasant and mature fashion.

The terrible thing that I "had done!"

What I "attempted" to do in 2009, was stem the tide of rising entry fees (now $69?) for scholastic events in NC which only pay a tiny fraction back to the players in the form of a scholarship and allow the promoter to walk away with, in more recent times, as much as $30,000 in profits?? ... In 2009, members experienced the biggest coverup, in which Newsom was directly involved, in North Carolina chess history?  My crime was inquiring as to where all the money went? In doing so, certain scoundrels were exposed for various wrongdoings which caused them great embarrassment. And, it seems that they still resent that to this day?! (I guess you can't change human nature).

So, the terrible thing that they refer to that I have "done" back in 2009, did NOT include violating any rule of chess nor any civil law. It had only to do with asking questions and voicing my opinion about a scholastic tournament, which sported an elevated entry fee and allowed an unscrupulous promoter, Charles "Randy" Wheeless, who ultimately claimed that he "lost money," to pocket approximately $10K in profit?? The problem is, nothing has changed since then?! And, legitimate accounting is still non existent.

I was also the President, Vice President, Seretary/Treasurer, Gambit Editor and everything else of the NCCA. I was the most fair and open President the organization ever had! I never signed a check. And, unlike the current and past 4 administrations, all of the details, meetings, and balances reported by the Secretary/Treasurer were often published and made available for the observation of ANYONE who wished to observe them. (By the way, back in 1985, because I had applied so much blood, sweat and tears and even quit my job to fulfill the responsibilities as President, my family life suffered greatly?! For the sake of my wife and my 3 children, I resigned 2 months early and found a "real" job which actually included a paycheck! However, everything was in place and properly functioning for my successor...)

It is clear to everyone, that, since another Director took over, I have made every effort to re-align the CCC with the QCCA. Unfortunately, as long as Gary Newsom is around, that will never happen.
Gary Newsom has poisoned the opinions of numerous chess players who have never actually met me with lies and innuendo. If chess players wish to follow his dictat and act like mindless sheep, that's their business. But, they will be missing out on some great events organized by the Charlotte Chess Club.

NM Leland Fuerstman