Guilt By Association?! --- "That other guy" Speaks!
By NM Leland Fuerstman

Over the past few days,
I have received E-mails from people I haven't heard from in years!! (Hmmm, I wonder why?!) One of them asked me not to use his name because he didn't want to be "blackballed, billy clubbed and publicly humiliated!?!" (LOL) He wanted to know exactly what crime I had committed this time which would motivate the NCCA to declare NM Leland Fuerstman "a person not in good standing with the NCCA?!" My answer was that I simply voiced my opinion and offered some constructive criticism! Unfortunately, my positive recommendations were met with objection and disdain. It's all about NCCA President Rudy Abate's illegal attempt to prevent me from participating in the North Carolina Closed Championship in order to protect everyone from me... what a champion of men - a brave protector of the order?!? (Even though, the proclamation to censure me was not noted in the minutes of their last meeting...) Abate seems to be acting more like a Dictator than a President. And, no one is allowed to criticize a dictator!

The first issue that I wish to address is "chess bully" and Past NCCA President Gary Newsom's and current President Rudy Abate's twisted notion that any person who attends the Charlotte Chess Club, participates in CCC events or is slightly suspected of having a friendly relationship with NM Leland Fuerstman is to be branded as a disenfranchised enemy of the "state," I mean the NCCA? This classical case of "guilt by association" defies civility and is extremely unfair to 73 active members of the USCF who live in North Carolina and also happen to be members of the CCC. (Maybe if they publicly renounce their devotion to me and pay a small fine of $20, they could get back into their good graces...)

Look, every individual member of the Charlotte Chess Club is his own man with his own opinion. We NEVER waste good club time discussing chess politics at CCC meetings; we play chess! We save the discussion for Internet Message Boards, Chat Rooms and private phone calls. Every individual member of the CCC is a free thinker who bases his opinions solely upon his  own observations. And, each one deserves the same respect as that which they render to their own loyal subjects!? Furthermore, each has a right to his opinion, as do I. But, from what I have just observed of the NCCA Forum, they immediately get "blasted" each time they attempt to voice it!? Abate seems to lack the skill to compromise or even be civil...  into how many personal feuds does this guy intend to enter??

I find it very curious that each of Abate's sycophants promptly jumped in line to chime in with their lengthy, excuse laden laments; all agreeing that they need more money?! Yet, not one of them posted a single message discussing any single one of those issues beforehand, until they had already been decided upon by the Board?! Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but I had some archaic idea that the members had the right to vote!? --- Whatever happened to proposing an idea, forming a committee to study its feasibility, having discussion on the internet and through other channels, publishing the findings of the committee, determining a consensus of opinion, taking a straw vote, attending a meeting at a reasonable time, making a "motion," and voting on the issue the standard way it is supposed to be done? But, Abate seems to have it backwards? According to the design of every democratic organization in the world, the members make the rules -- the president carries them out...

My concern is that a complete unknown with little chess experience and a bad attitude got voted in by 10 or so members and then in his divine wisdom, decided to make wholesale changes to tried and true policies which have been in place for over 75 years? The consensus of opinion among the many folks who have communicated with me has to do with Abate's arbitrary decision making and capricious reasoning for his actions. Since he has taken office he has:

1. decided to give a $200 Life Membership away in a drawing?
2. required everyone to pay on Jan 1?
3. overly funded his "All Girls" event
4. overly slashed the invitational? this years debacle? (See Msg499)
5. the "official" senior open?
6. NC Closed Class Championship? Conflict of interest in his home town
7. Imposing a fee on organizers to advertise events?
8. Changing meeting dates?

The many changes associated with the above list require a constitutional amendment. Changing the constitution or Articles of Incorporation should include the members right to VOTE in order to ratify those changes. (though I am not sure, because according to their Articles of Incorporation, the Board votes on the decisions; the members may only vote in elections?) Maybe someone could lend a copy of Robert's Rules of Order to President Abate so he might be prepared at the upcoming meeting... Regardless, none of the above issues have yet been voted upon and ratified by the members.

And, before they go begging for money, wouldn't it be proper to show everyone exactly how they have been spending what they already had!? Not some vague annual report, but the precise expenditures directly copied from the check book and the specific reasons for those expenditures. In addition, according to your "Articles of Incorporation," compensating Board members for expenses and other reasons seems to be a perfectly acceptable practice?! I think the members might be interested in knowing to what extent that may have been exercised? I mean, if everything is just hunky-dory, they have nothing to be worried about. Unfortunately, the chances of observing any check books right now are slim, to none. Because, the current administration has chosen to follow the same policy of the past with a veil of secrecy which prevents any individual member from verifying anything!? There continues to be ZERO transparency in the NCCA. And, that needs to change...

I was happy to see my old friend, past Sec/Treas. Patsy Spurrier, (wife of past President Robert Spurrier) speak up and offer some positive suggestions. For years, Patsy has been an extremely well respected member of the North Carolina chess community. Therefore, I am embarrassed at the way she has been disrespected by ill mannered VP Shawn Spencer? (The same panjandrum who refused to waste his time trying to update the info of all of the clubs listed; they needed to communicate with him?! What a lamebrain???) So far, in my opinion, this administration gets very low marks. The Dictator president has made numerous ridiculous changes, neglected important responsibilities and argues with and alienates every concerned member who speaks up. After many months, the Vice President had still not updated the info on the NCCA club lists even though he was specifically notified about a change, (boy, what a tough task...), the VP of Scholastics has posted exactly one amateurish report which left much to be desired and the Sec/Treasurer took one month to post a new member's info, even though he was sent an E-mail two days after receiving the money expressly requesting that he post it? --- That's not efficiency, people, that's laziness and incompetence. Of exactly, what are they so proud? If they don't have time in their busy schedules to take care of simple details, then they should step aside and give their position to someone who will.

The NCCA is falling apart at the seams. When was the last time an actual chess game was published on their site??! There is a distinct difference between a "webmaster" and an "editor!" Their website still lacks content... Maybe they could take a peak at and get a few ideas! There is no real accountability. The Articles of Incorporation should be completely abandoned and a new constitution adopted in it's place. The next time, before Abate decides to make another ridiculous knee jerk decision, (like allowing the winner of the Invitational to decide upon the town where the event will take place in the following year???) I recommend that he consult with other more experienced members first so as not to continue making a complete fool of himself. By the way, for the rest of the organizers who are sick and tired of his impositions, the CCC is upgrading it's list of "Upcoming Events" in North Carolina" and will post all info received for no charge!

I remain,
NM Leland Fuerstman
Charlotte Chess Club